Portugal D7 Visa: The Ultimate Guide

A lot of companies are trying to rip people off by offering to complete the process on their behalf, and charging a ridiculous amount of money! Most of the requirements you can sort out yourself for free, or at a small cost!

Not technically a digital nomad visa, this one is aimed at people who can prove they have a passive income (plus a minimum amount of savings to prove they can support themselves) – the key point being this must come from outside of Portugal (so if you work for a company registered in another country, it could work!)

There were a couple of hoops to jump through, but it was a relatively simple process despite requiring a lot of paperwork!

The visa process MUST be started in your country of residence, so unfortunately you can’t head to Portugal and apply from there.

The main documents needed are:

🟢 Criminal record check (PVG)
🔴 Proof of address in Portugal – the most difficult part to sort out, as you need to have proof BEFORE your 1st visa appointment in your country.
🟢 Proof of health insurance
🔴 Proof of passive income – a job contract works (depending on where your employer is registered)
🟢 Bank statements for 6 months
🔴 NIF number (the Portuguese equivalent of a National Insurance number – Use a company called https://www.bordr.io/, they were fantastic! It was cheap, and a very efficient service
🟢 Portuguese bank account – You can open a bank account online from any Portuguese bank or you can hire someone attorney or bank representative who can do work for you. (you need to show you have enough money to support yourself and the funds must be in a Portuguese account)
🔴 Application Form from SEF (Foreigners & Border Service in Portugal)
🟢 Passport & 2x passport-sized photos for your visa
🔴 Statement explaining why you want to live in Portugal

Apply here: